They are
our passion



As soon as you have decided on dates for your holiday or know the times you will be away,  please contact West Adelaide Pet Sitters so we can check availability and tentatively put aside space for you. During busy holiday periods it is best to give us as much notice as possible. We can then email you a quote so you can review costs before proceeding. Please see our Services & Fees page for current prices. We are very happy to put together a specific package for you and quote you accordingly.


The next step is to book a free consultation, this should be booked for 3 to 7 days prior to going away.  We will come to your home and meet your pet, discuss their likes and dislikes, their routine and any special needs they have. It is important you and your pet are comfortable at this time so the least amount of stress is felt by you both when you are away. If you prefer to meet with the Sitter earlier than this to feel assured before booking, West Adelaide Pet Sitters are very happy to accommodate this.


Once all services have been discussed and accepted, payments are to be made in full to confirm your booking. West Adelaide Pet Sitters accepts EFT payments or alternatively you can pay with cash at the end of the consultation visit. Once payment is made your booking is confirmed. Cancellations are to be made 3 days prior to the booking or a late fee of $30.00 may be charged. Now we are set to go. After each visit an email update is sent so you can feel secure your fur-family is taken care of.

pictures by
west adelaide pet sitters


kylie gibbons


I started West Adelaide Pet Sitters  because I wanted to offer a service  that could provide care for your furry kids in your own home. I use an alternate sitter when their are conflicts on bookings or in emergency situations. All sitters are animal lovers and have pets they consider family. You will always be advised if it is not me who will be taking the booking.

As a child we always had a budgie, guinea pigs, rabbits and a dog, not all at once!. After that for many years I was lucky enough to have my beautiful dog Shannon, who was a Rottweiler/Blue Heeler and lived to a ripe old age. In 2010 I was picked out by a 14 week old kitten from Animal Welfare who is now our ‘Missy’. She happily joined the family with our other gorgeous feline ‘Panther’ who is proudly being my model on the front page. Missy is very timid, a picky eater and often intimidated by Panther who is an easy going, happy go lucky girl. They are not just pets to us but family. I love spending time with all animals and this is why I started West Adelaide Pet Sitters.